A UDOT Project

Public Meetings

The EIS project team encourages public involvement and will consider public input in developing the EIS as well as to support the decision-making process. When a public meeting or stakeholder working group meeting is held, summary notes will be made accessible for the public and project record.

Alternative Concepts Virtual Public Meeting - Oct.5, 2021

UDOT hosted a virtual public meeting on Oct. 5, 2021 and an in-person open house on Oct. 6, 2021, for the community to learn more about the conceptual transportation alternatives the project team has developed for the EIS.

Early Scoping Virtual Public Meeting- Aug. 27, 2020

UDOT held an early scoping virtual public meeting on on Aug. 27, 2020 for the community to learn more about the project and provide comments regarding the purpose and need, outstanding issues, and possible improvements.

Stakeholder Working Group

The project team has developed a stakeholder working group that includes representatives for trucking, agriculture, open lands, emergency services, schools, residents, developers, local government staff and businesses. This group serves as a sounding board to the project team to help ensure the study information communicated to the public is relevant and easily understood. The stakeholder working group is not a decision-making body, but rather a cross section of community members who bring forth the concerns of the broader communities they represent and in-return, are asked to distribute to their respective communities any information provided by the project team.

Throughout the EIS process,the community is encouraged to identify the representative whose neighborhood location or role best matches their own area/interests and send an email to the project team to be put in touch with a representative.

Working Group Meetings

SWG Meeting Summary -
June 9, 2022

SWG Meeting Summary -
Oct. 28, 2021

SWG Meeting Summary -
April 27, 2021

SWG Meeting Summary -
Oct. 19, 2020

SWG Meeting Summary -
Aug. 20, 2020

Working Group Members

Heber City
Tony Kohler – Heber City Planning Director

Non-Motorized Transportation
Don Taylor – MAG Trails Planner

Wasatch County
Dustin Grabau – Asst. Manager

Ryan Taylor – Town engineer

Wasatch County Open Lands Board
Justin Keys – Board Member

Emergency Services
David Booth – Heber Police Chief

School District
Paul Sweat – Superintendent

Rural Planning Organization
Robert Allen – MAG Planning

Utah Trucking Trucking Association
Terry Smith – Director of Safety

Addison Hicken – Farmer and Rancher

Brady Flygare – South (1300 S)

Thom Wright – East Resident

Wendy Casey – West/U.S. 189 Resident

Phil Jordan – Muirfield HOA

Laren Gertsch – North Resident

Dave Nelson – Developer

Heber Valley Chamber
Dallin Koecher – Executive Director

Community Alliance for Main Street
Tom Stone – Chairperson

Wasatch County Housing Authority
Jeff Bradshaw – Executive Director