A UDOT Project


UDOT published the Final Alternatives Development and Screening Report on Jan. 16, 2023. The final report contains the public comments received on the draft report and incorporates the updated Level 2 screening data for wetlands and Section 4(f) historic buildings, evaluates the Provo River Restoration Project as a Section 4(f) resource, and also shows a shift in the alignment of Alternatives WB3 and WB4 to minimize wetland impacts.

Final Alternatives Development and Screening Report Fact Sheet
Final Alternatives Development and Screening Report
Final Alternatives Screening FAQ

Appendices A-J were included in the Draft Alternatives Development and Screening Report published on June 7, 2022 and have not changed.

Appendices K-Q are new and include public and agency outreach and comments received during the alternative screening comment period that ran from June 7 to July 22, 2022.

Alternative Screening Dashboards

For detailed information and the opportunity to focus on impacts in specific areas, UDOT has developed two online dashboards that summarize the screening results and initial impacts analysis for Level 1 and Level 2 screening. The dashboards are best viewed on desktop or laptop computers.

Level 1 Screening Dashboard

This dashboard shows screening criteria related to the purpose and need including projected travel times, queue lengths, traffic operations on Main Street, and more for each alternative. Select an alternative from the drop down list in the upper right corner to see potential impacts, click on the three bars to the right of the drop down to open a larger version of the map.

Level 2 Screening Dashboard

This dashboard shows the updated Level 2 screening criteria based on the most recent field surveys and alignment shifts made between the draft and final screening reports. Level 2 screening criteria includes aquatic resources, Section 4(f) resources, property impacts, and costs. Select an alternative from the drop down list in the upper right corner to see potential impacts, click on the three bars to the right of the drop down to open a larger version of the map.


UDOT published the Draft Alternative Development and Screening Report on June 7, 2022. The report details how the study team evaluated the 17 preliminary alternatives initially presented to the public and six new alternatives suggested by the public during the comment period held during Oct. 2021 in a three-level screening process. Preliminary screening focused on technical feasibility, Level 1 screening focused on the purpose and need of the project, and Level 2 screening focused on initial impacts to key resources. Based on an evaluation of 23 alternatives, five alternatives on the west side passed the screening process and will be carried forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS.

Alternative concepts were developed using information from previous studies, public comments and traffic analysis conducted by the EIS project team. These alternative concepts were evaluated in a multi-level screening process to determine which alternatives will be carried forward for detailed environmental analysis.

A public comment period was held from June 7 to July 22, 2022 to receive input on the criteria used to screen alternatives as they relate to the project’s purpose and key environmental resources, as well as new data or information that could advise the screening process.

Draft Alternative Screening Presentations

For best resolution on videos, view full screen and set quality to 1080p (minimum 720p).

Alternative Screening Overview: June 10, 2022
Resource Agency Meeting: June 6, 2022
Local Agency Meeting: June 6, 2022

Draft Alternative Screening Fact Sheets

HVC EIS Project Overview & Summary: Alternative Concepts Fact Sheet
HVC EIS Alternative Development & Screening Process Fact Sheet
HVC EIS Alternative Components Map
HVC EIS Alternative Fact Sheets

Draft Alternative Screening Report